Saturday, October 3, 2009

Puppies Gone Wild

The puppies got to go outside for a few hours while I cleaned their pen. Most of their time was spent snuggled together on a blanket and sleeping but here are some pics of them wondering around in the dirt. They are starting to walk really well, not so wobbly!

This is Little Man. He's the oldest and the closest thing to a runt we have.

This is Spot (AKA Dot JR.) He's the #2 pup. He has the dot like Dot.

This is One Eyed Wendy. She's #3. She's giving her sister a run for her money in the size dept.

And last but not least is Fatty. She's the youngest and the biggest, thus the name. She's the only one with a long tail. It's so cute with a white tip. We are thinking about keeping her.

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