Monday, August 11, 2008

Samantha's First day of school

Today was Samantha's first day of 1st grade. She was nervous and last night she was really stressed out that I was going the forget her lunch. Finally I let her help me pack what we could and she felt a lot better. This morning as we were looking for her class a bell rang, she was worried it was the late bell. I reminded her that half the school was still wondering around and she was fine. We found her class with no problem (I had a hard time leaving). Her teacher seems really nice and Samantha really likes her. I think she had a great first day!!


Rencher Fam said...

I'm glad she had a good first day! I am already nervous for Grant to go!

Jensen Family said...

She looks very cute! Ashley started today and it is so weird for her to be gone all day!

Becky Cox said...

SAVOR SAVOR SAVOR! In two blinks she'll be in junior high. I'm such an old fart!

Dickey Family said...

Hey Heather can you believe how fast our kids are growing. Your kids are cuties! I am not ready for mine to start school next year, does not seem like he should be that old.