Wow, we are having some kind of day!!
7:20 A.M. Samantha's
eating breakfast and says,"I have to check my room". Why?? She comes back to report that the Tooth Fairy forgot to come last night. Oops!
8:00 A.M. Samantha is at school with her heart shaped cheese cubes for her class party and the chocolate box she made for her teacher.
8:30-9:00A.M. I finish a salad for my friend's Mom's funeral today. Start laundry. Day is going smooth.
9:05 A.M. Colin (who is up, dressed, and finishing breakfast)starts crying and yelling that his ear hurts. Great our insurance cancelled us last month, the walk-in clinic in towns opens at 1:00P.M., and the
pediatrician's office is 30-45 minutes away.
9:15 A.M. Find Patrick some not to dirty "pretty pants" to throw in so we can run to the pharmacy to buy some Motrin.
9:30 A.M. Get home get Colin some Motrin and Patrick's breakfast.
9:35 A.M. Visiting Teachers arrive (thank goodness they are 5 minutes late). Colin
crys the whole visit.
10:00A.M. Call and
cancel the boys play date/ sitter. Looks like I'm not going to the funeral.
10:45 A.M. Motrin finally kicks in too late to get boys changed and get to the funeral. At least my Mom took the salad.
And to top it all off the dog has been pouting because she's out of homemade dog food.
4:55 P.M. Trying to get kids to pick up toys while I change for my Valentines date tonight. If all goes according to plan in the next half hour the kids will be at a
friend's house and Dale and I will be headed to dinner and a movie.