Monday, June 23, 2008

Dale's Words of Wisdom

Today a friend of mine told me that her 5 year old son told her that "Dale doesn't get tickets because nothing's faster than a Honda dirt bike". Nice Dale!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Samantha's Last T-Ball Game EVER

Today was Samantha's last T-ball game. I'm kind of sad. I love the layed-back attitude of T-ball and next year she'll move up to machine pitch. I'm afraid it will be so competitive with stands full of crazy parents. Dale thinks Samantha will like the competitiveness. We'll see how next season goes but I'm looking forward to when the boys are old enough for T-ball.
Samantha and her friend Calob after their last game.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Swimming Lessons

This week is the second (and last) week of Samantha's swim lessons. I can't wait for them to be over. I don't know what I was thinking signing her up for the 8:00 A.M. session. We are not morning people and having to get myself and all three kids up, ready, and to the pool by 8 is wearing me out! Her lessons are 1 hour and I am so glad that the boys will sit through them without much complaining. They are so bummed that there were no openings in their age group. They were really looking forward to swim lessons too.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Reflections of Christ

Today my Mom, the kids, and I went to Mesa to see the Reflections of Christ exhibit at the Mesa temple visitors center. When we walked in Colin saw the Christis statue and said very loudly, " It's Jesus!! There he is!!" It was so cute. All three kids were impressed at how "big he is".
The Reflections of Christ was amazing. It's so cool to see photos depicting the life of Christ. I wish I would have been able to spend more time looking at them all but the kids weren't as impressed as I was. You can check out some of the photos at

Before we left we went out to walk around the temple. Colin was really mad when I told him we weren't going in. (How do you explain a temple recommend to a three year old?) I told him that because Heavenly Father and Jesus "live" in the temple you have to act really nice inside. I told him that you have to talk to your bishop and promise that you won't yell, jump on the furniture, or crawl on the floor inside the temple and if you can't do that then you aren't allowed inside. That explanation did the trick (he knew it was more that he could do) and he didn't ask again.

After the temple we went to Seagull Books and Old Navy and found some really great deals. Then we went out to dinner with Dale who is working down there for a few days. It was a long day but we all had a lot of fun.